27. Jan 2025
Nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht
zu schreiben, ist barbarisch.
Adorno (1951)
Das Miserere ist vorbei,
Die Sterbeglocken schweigen.
Heine (1844)
Ja, es ist keiner da, der den Toten…
Wolf Biermann
27. Jan 2025
In der deutschen Sprache gibt es ein Wort, das immer wieder stutzen lässt: Erinnerungskultur. Es wird meist sehr unbestimmt benutzt. Was dazu gehört, ist bei genauerer Betrachtung meist umstritten…
06. Aug 2014
Recently, on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Jewish history in America, a number of Jewish historians reminisced about the bad old days, when American Jewish history was considered somewhere…
Richard Menkis
06. Aug 2014
Some Impressions
When my mother came to Vancouver from Calgary in 1947, she told me, “It was a difficult time. We lived in the back of a grocery store. My brother and I shared a sort of room. We had…
Johnna Kaplan
06. Aug 2014
It’s been more than a decade since Ilan Sandler first delighted the city of Toronto with his giant sculpture Double Storey. From May to September 2003, his 5.5 metre-tall stainless-steel lawn chair…
Sue Carter Flinn
06. Aug 2014
Between 1933 and 1948 only 5000 Jews were admitted to Canada, the lowest number of any Western nation. Luckily for future generations of youngsters, Lies and Hans
Morgenstern, a couple from Fürth,…
Monica Strauss
06. Aug 2014
Toronto Jewry’s story is similar to most North American large cities: one of the struggling immigrant pulling themselves up from their bootstraps and in three generations becoming prominent movers…
Dave Gordon