09. Okt 2015
Humans are social beings, and the kind of creature that a person becomes depends crucially on the social, cultural and institutional circumstances of his life. We are therefore led to inquire into…
Noam Chomsky
09. Okt 2015
The Knesset was set to vote on major reforms to the Israel Broadcasting Authority which would entail massive layoffs from the state-run agency’s 1,500 employees. In protest, airport workers went on…
By Ilan Ben-Zion
09. Okt 2015
The Revolution is like a dandelion, Peter Diamondstone believes: “Weed as much as you want – but you can never get rid of dandelions.” As an activist and eternal candidate of the “Liberty Union Party…
12. Aug 2015
Rabbi Burton Vistozky, Chancellor Arnold Eisen, Friends one and all: I gladly accept the title ben bayit, grateful to be considered “a regular member of the household” of The Jewish Theological…
Cardinal Timothy Dolan
12. Aug 2015
Iwant to thank Cardinal Dolan for honoring the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) again with his presence and for the bold and eloquent words that he shared with us. The Cardinal’s visit to JTS…
Arnold Eisen
12. Aug 2015
Four distinct moments, or periods, delineate the Roman Jewish past: the Roman Empire until Gregory the Great (590-604 C.E.) and the start of the medieval papacy; Pope Gregory to 1555, the…
Kenneth Stow
12. Aug 2015
Das Dokument mag vor dem Hintergrund der langen Geschichte beider Gemeinschaften noch ein «Baby» sein, wie Kardinal Timothy Dolan in dieser Ausgabe schreibt. Dennoch legt der 50. Jahrestag von …